MEMBER OF THE PERMANENT COMMISSION ON ECONOMIC AND FINANCIAL ISSUES Mr. Nicolas Simani is a trained Economist, who’s career spanned 20 years at Kenyas Agricultural Finance Corporation (AFC) – a Government State Corporation who’s mandate is to provide credit to...
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SENATOR OF WUSME Ms. Liliane Massala has just concluded her office as Ambassador of Gabon in France, Permanent Representative of Gabon to the Francophonie (OIF) with jurisdiction in Portugal , Andorra , Monaco and Switzerland. She began her career as...
MEMBER OF THE PERMANENT COMMISSION ON SOCIAL ISSUES AND WOMEN ENTREPRENEURSHIP Ms. Diane-Monique ADJANONHOUN is a Consultant in image and political strategy. She is the Director of DM Consulting & Associates, a firm specialized in image management and political campaign...
PRESIDENT OF THE PERMANENT COMMISSION ON SOCIAL ISSUES AND WOMEN'S ENTREPENEURSHIP As the designer of Gender Dynamics Intelligence (GDI©) Dr Pauline Crawford has a vision for authentic harmony among men and women in leadership roles. With over 30 years’ experience in...
MEMBER OF THE BOARD AND MEMBER OF THE PERMANENT COMMISSION ON SMEs DEVELOPMENT An engineering Technician by profession, has worked for the development of humanity. Investigating the value addition on key raw materials like the cassava crop grown widely in...
MEMBER OF THE PERMANENT COMMISSION ON SOCIAL ISSUES AND WOMEN ENTREPRENEURSHIP Ms. Nukila Evanty has expertise in the capacity building of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Indonesia, gender, women empowerment, business and human rights. She has conducted online marketing...
Member of the Board of Directors EDUCATION * MASTER IN PROJECTS MANAGEMENT ( Université du Québec en Outaouais, Québec, Canada / 2011) * D E S S in Integrated Rural Development (Université LAVAL, Québec, Canada / 2008) * MASTER IN...
VICE PRESIDENT OF THE PERMANENT COMMISSION ON SOCIAL ISSUES AND WOMEN'S ENTREPRENEURSHIP Director General at India SME Forum, Growth & Entrepreneurship Catalyst & Editor BusinessWISE Nominated Member of the National Board for MSMEs in India, constituted by the Union...
MEMBER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS - VICE PRESIDENT OF THE PERMANENT COMMMISSION ON ECNOMIC AND FINANCIAL ISSUES Ms. Rongyong Yang, graduated from University Pairs-Dauphine, with the Master degree of “Sustainable Development and Organization”, and bachelor degree of major in...
MEMBER OF THE PERMANENT COMMISSION ON SOCIAL ISSUES AND WOMEN ENTREPRENEURSHIP Ms. Aye Aye Win is Director General of Small and Medium Enterprises Development Centre which was established in 2012. SME Development Centre exists to help SMEs in Myanmar grow...
MEMBER OF THE BOARD - MEMBER OF THE PERMANENT COMMISSION ON ECONOMIC AND FINANCIAL ISSUES After earning a degree as Surveyor, Mr. Giorgio Battistini entered the business world alongside his father to manage and lead the family company operating in...
MEMBER OF THE BOARD - VICE PRESIDENT OF THE PERMANENT COMMISSION ON SMEs DEVELOPMENT Mr. Rodrigo Varela Villegas, Ph.D. in Chemical and Petroleum Refining Engineering - Colorado School of Mines. Emeritus and Distinguished Professor Universidad Icesi and Distinguished Professor Universidad...