Projects promoted by WUSME in support of SMEs and Crafts in cooperation with Partners involved in entrepreneurship development
WUSME has always been committed to promoting programs in business management and vocational training through collaboration with public institutions, MSMEs organizations and Academia in different countries. After designing the TUTUMIKE project to facilitate the stable reintegration of refugees in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, WUSME signed a cooperation agreement with the Secretariat of State for Labor of the Republic of San Marino and the UNAS (National Union of Craftsmen of San Marino) for the implementation of international training programs in traditional Crafts with the support of the Professional Training School and Master Craftsmen of San Marino. This initiative finds in the Republic of San Marino, where the Association was born and is based, the best conditions to facilitate the transfer of knowledge, enhancement of resources and strengthening of synergies.
Under development the TUTUMIKE program presented by WUSME to the United Nations High Commissioner for refugees in Geneva with the purpose to facilitate the durable reintegration of refugees in the Democratic Republic of the Congo throught training and birth of new enterpreneurs. Heart of this program is the establishment of centres for entreprenurial education and training for the returnees in nine provinces of the country to provide them with the tools necessary to start a new small business or crafts activity in their home land. In order for RDC and Africa as a continent, to have a truly sustainable progress, it is necessary to invest more in the development of education, training in specific skills and knowledge of innovative technologies, making its inhabitants and communities self-sufficient and well-being.
In collaboration with institutions of the Republic and other WUSME’s active partners of the financial sector, WUSME is working on the creation of a INTERACTIVE WEB-BASED PLATFORM dedicated to SMEs to serve as WELCOME SHOWCASE for SMEs for the presentation of their activities, products and services and the identification of possible funding opportunities and investors. This is first of a series of projects designed to help small and medium-sized enterprises by providing answers and solutions that facilitate SMEs access to the financial market according to an ethical and not speculative approach. This platform is meant to work as “stock exchange” for small and medium-sized businesses!
Trust Fund for Crises Prevention and Development of SMEs (SMETFUND)
WUSME is currently engaged in the establishment of a TRUST FUND FOR FINANCING A SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF SMES based on the collection of the CURRENCY TRANSACTION LEVY, a small social contribution on foreign currencies transactions. In an Agreemnt with WUSME, Ethical will pledge to give 0.005% of the nominal value of each transaction from San Marino and from other WUSME member organizations to a WUSME – SMETFUND. This FUND will create specific programs and projects for Crises Prevention and Development of SMEs, provide micro finance for entrepreneurs in less developed Countries and contribute to the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals.
Consistent with its mission, the education and training of small entrepreneurs are real priorities for WUSME, especially with regard to women entrepreneurs in developing countries. For this reason, WUSME accepted the proposal received by Representatives of Darfur Rehabilitation Project in Johannesburg – South Africa, to collaborate in the creation of PATEI, a PAN AFRICAN ENTREPRENEURIAL TRAINING INSTITUTE based in South Africa. In the poorest and most disadvantaged areas of the world, long lasting improvement of basic living conditions can only take place through education, acquisition of skills and use of innovative technologies. With projects like this, WUSME aims to implement initiatives that facilitate SMes to take a real and significant step forward.
As A result of the mission carried out in Gabon on 2011 and upon initiative of WUSME Vice-president Akram Mendame, the UNION is cooperating with the country’s institutions, the Ministry of SMEs in particular, on a special pilot project concerning the creation of a new model of small and medium-sized enterprise in a strategic sector such as the ITC to serve as a reference and example for the emergence of a new class of SMEs. Among the areas the IT sector has been identified as particularly dynamic and promising, in full development in the African continent as well and especially in Central Africa, where Gabon can serve the Centre of propulsion and development.