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Zulkifly BAHAROM

  • 3635


Prof. Dr. Baharom is currently Project Director at the International Council of Islamic Finance Educators (ICIFE)

A recipient of the World Corporate Universities Education Leadership Award 2014 and the Asia Human Resource Development Award 2015, Dr Haji Zul has proven track record as CEO, industrial psychologist, professional management consultant and educator.

He has acquired 44 years of corporate experience with the MNCs: United Asbestos Cement Ltd., (1972-73); Toyobo Co. Ltd., Osaka & Kanematsu Gosho Ltd., Tokyo (1974-80); and he has served the GLCs: PETRONAS (1981-93) and Malaysia Airlines (1994-2010); currently as Project Director & Exco of ICIFE, International Council for Islamic Finance Education, and a Senior Fellow of  Universiti Utara Malaysia.

A Fellow & General Council and just recently CEO of Malaysian Institute of Management, Dr. Zul is a Chartered Fellow of Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) UK;  Senior Fellow and Past President of Malaysian Institute of Human Resource Management (MIHRM) and Former Deputy President, Asia Pacific Federation Human Resource Management Associations. He was the Chairman, HR Certification Committee on National HR Standards.

Dr. Haji Zul obtained BSc. (Hons) Industrial/Organisational Psychology from University of New South Wales, Sydney; Masters in Management from the Asian Institute of Management (AIM), Manila. He has achieved the pinnacle of academe with the degree Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in leadership capital from International University of Entreprenology (IUE) Honolulu. Concurrently, he is serving IUE as a Board Member, Professor of Business and Adjunct Faculty.

In business, Dr Zul is Chairman for VALIDITY Group, Asia HRD Congress, Personal Transformation and the Perfect Analytical Measurement Sdn. Bhd. He is also the Secretary-General of Malaysia – Philippines Business Council.

He teaches Leadership for MBA program at UniRazak Graduate School of Business and sits on the Advisory Board of Othman Yeop Abdullah (OYA) Graduate School of Business, Universiti Utara Malaysia; the Board of Studies and as Adjunct Faculty of International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) Graduate School of Management. He is the President, AIM Club of Malaysia; VP of MyLeaD; Chair of Sales & Marketing Team and Technical & Research Committee of the 44th International Federation of Training & Development Organisations (IFTDO) World Conference 2015 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.  He is currently a resource person with Sejahtera Leadership Incubator Project