Among the various economic policy options here, those geared to attaining higher levels of efficiency in the provision of health services are particularly appropriate, and less politically controversi...
BRUSSELS, May 27th 2016 On occasion of the meeting held by the COPA WOMEN’S COMMITTEE on May 27th in Brussels, Margit Batthyany-Schmidt intervened as Member of the Board of Directors of WUSME, First...
The 3rd edition of the ICC Charter has been designed to reflect a more holistic approach to sustainability, drawing on the expertise, experience and good practices of a broad range of international co...
REPUBLIC OF SAN MARINO, April 20th, 2016 Time for Entrepreneurs, Organizations and Institutions to discuss on specific topics related to the growth, competitiveness and protection of SMEs, as key sect...
Press releases of Wusme 2012 After the 2012 General Assembly of Wusme (ita) General Assembly Wusme 2012 (ita)